Can you see me now?

Although this post is prompted by politics, it’s not political. It’s human. It’s real. It’s me.

Yesterday’s news was filled with commentary over the most recent statement made by the US President about people coming from “&#%*hole countries.” This was a despicable comment and the outrage was well-deserved.  What bothers me though, is that so many people are outraged by the fact that he can speak of Haitians that way but these same people have spent over a year tolerating (sometimes defending) and accepting the things he has said about women and people of color.

I have witnessed this man, with the complicit support of people who call themselves Christians, cause crises of faith for many people because his unfettered speech has been accepted.  Now- believe me- I agree that president and pastor are two different roles but when religious leaders have combined them in their rhetoric, when their actions indicate that they have made them equivalent, when they rally in support as if the very core of Christianity itself is wrapped in a political party, it rocks the foundation of faith for many.

Be outraged about  what he said about immigrants! You should be! But, if you call yourself a brother or sister of mine, you should have been outraged about what he said about me. You should have been outraged about what he said about my children… parents… husband.  I said “Ouch” and you said “Be quiet.”  I screamed “OUCH!” and you said “Stop whining!”

I’m glad you’re finally seeing, hearing, and listening. Maybe you’ll step through and over all the domestic casualties- all my family friends, your neighbors, who are downtrodden and  have had their spirits broken- and  find a spot to take a stand for someone you’ve never seen.  Or will you cast this into your personal sea of forgetfulness in the name of a God who, according to your actions, you believe thinks as little of me as you do?

#PrayWoke #StayWoke my friends.

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